We're in the business of helping your business...achieve its full potential.
SPEAAR LLC is a trusted business advisor supporting small business owners and organizational leaders in various industries within the region & beyond. We provide professional and integrity based business consultation that is respectful, practical, solution oriented, and cost effective. We are small business advocates focused on developing strong relationships and delivering high client value in the core areas of:
Maximizing your Return on Time, Effort, & Money...'Empowering Leaders to Lead'
We understand small business runs at a dynamic and fast pace, with increasing complexity, competition, risk, and changing customer need. So whether your business challenges are in the areas of: Promotion, Profitability, Productivity, People, Production, Processes, Procurement, Partnerships, or ‘Strategic’ Planning…we welcome the opportunity to listen to your unique situation, share industry best practices & professional resources, and always remain in your corner ready to serve as your trusted Business Advisor.
Our personal interaction will re-energize and re-focus, building positive business momentum and clarity in action. Allow us the opportunity to collaborate and help define, measure, & achieve your desired business vision...today!
916.693.5848 | info@speaar.com
2450 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA, 95833 USA
Pursuing the Possibilities Together! ™
* Not a licensed insurance agent or broker
What challenges and opportunities exist in your business?
Does passion and purpose still drive your business?
Do you have a succession plan or exit strategy?
SPEAAR LLC || Strategic Planning | Execution | Assessment | Adjustment | Results